
Bass player, vocalist, song writer and cat lover.

Member since:
July 2013

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Ashdown James Lomenzo Hyperdrive

Posted on July 9, 2013   

I've been using this pedal for a couple of years now and I really rate it. A lot of the time, my sound relies heavily on an aggressive, gritty tone. I play in a 3 piece rock band and I have found that a level of distortion (not overdrive) really helps fill out the sound. this was the only pedal I found (below £100 too) that gave me the right tone without killing the low end. It has that great valve distortion quality to it and the great thing I find with this pedal is the frequency control which allows you to choose what frequencies you want to add the effect to - for me it is the quite nasty high mids. After that you have a blend control which then lets you mix your clean signal with the effect. There's also an input, output, drive, +10db switch and a Q Control swith which alters the octave(s) that the pedal affects.

