
Bass Player me

Member since:
June 2013

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2006 Starfire 10 String Bass

Posted on July 8, 2013   

I bought this thinking it would be cool to have a 10 string Les Paul style bass. What I ended up with was this HUGE neck, with a ton of strings and a very bad design for the strings through the body!! I custom made plate to run the strings through so they would not pull out through the semi hollow body wood... This bass is Chinese made. As far as I can tell, only for 1 year or so and very few that I have ever seen.. It is called Starfire..No other markings or serial numbers are on it. It is 100% as I bought it except for that string plate. 10 strings. A doubled 5 string.. Super heavy. About 14 pounds. Lot's of neck dive and a wooden moving bridge to make everything interesting.. Good sound. Feeds back pretty easily, but nice and rich tone. She turns heads, but is pretty difficult to play since the neck is super wide and heavy...

