
Member since:
January 2014

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2013 PRS P22 Charcoal Burst

Posted on January 22, 2014   

This is Sara, my P22. Sounds like a dream -- the separate piezo output enables sounds that you just can't get with the vast majority of guitars -- and she looks absolutely gorgeous. Depending on the lighting, the charcoal burst looks anywhere from a nice rich natural wood (almost like a tiger burst) to a silvery grey to purple.


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  • daeken

    April 5, 2014 Reply

    Yeah, I love everything about this guitar except the stock pickups and pickup rings. About to swap the rings out for some nice wood, and she'll be perfect.

  • Kyle

    April 5, 2014 Reply

    Thanks for the reply. That's what I was afraid you would say. I love everything about the way PRS is improving their design except for the pickups. They had a beast with the original Dragons and Dragon IIs. Shame you can't get those any longer.

  • daeken

    April 5, 2014 Reply

    Thanks! Honestly? I despised the stock pickups. They sounded ultra sterile and boring. I swapped them out for a Lace Humbucker in the neck and a Deathbucker in the bridge, and they are just ridiculously nice. Much better tone; the low end actually sounds nice now. Great when blended well with the piezos. Really can't say enough good things about those pickups.

  • Kyle

    April 5, 2014 Reply

    Sara is absolutely gorgeous. How would you compare the sound of the regular pickups in the P22 to say a Custom 22 or Custom 24?
